Jesus Is Lord Lyrics by Musikatha

Jesus Is Lord Lyrics by Musikatha. A Tagalog Christian song from the album Wildfire.

We love You with all that we are
we serve You with all that we have
You are the reason in our life
You are the price

We bow our devotion till the end
You have the people in this land
You sent for Your righteous hearts to show
That we are the glorious church You know

With hearts as one we offer praise
To You Almighty King who saves
May we give glory and honor to You
As we proclaim Your name

With every nation make You know
Until every hearts and every soul
Bow down before Your throne adore
And confess that Jesus is Lord
Jesus is Lord.

Jesus Is Lord Lyrics by Musikatha Jesus Is Lord Lyrics by Musikatha Reviewed by Filipino Christian Music Site on 6:00 PM Rating: 5

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